Wednesday, February 10, 2010

i'm well fed, don't you worry

Do not panic, i am well fed. in fact, i think i might have put on some weight. this is only a sneak peek at what i've been having for my meals. For breakfast, lunch and dinner... they're always equally scrumptious-looking and delicious.

Spaghetti with home-made beef spaghetti sauce,
mixed with Italian vegetables and topped with shredded old cheese.

Made with my new sandwich-maker.
Cheese and tomato & herb spread toasti, with baby gherkin pickles and mustard.

my Taco debut.

And last week, i got myself a bicycle! you see, it's part of adapting and integrating into society. like the famous, albeit cliched, saying "When in Rome, do as the Romans do!" It's the same here. Cycling is the most common form of transportation, at least in Amsterdam. Fun fact: There are more bikes than people in Holland. 18 million bikes for 16.5 million people. And the Dutch cycle in any weather condition - rain (light/slightly heavier showers), snow, extremely windy days, and of course on a clear and sunny day.

In the small city of Amsterdam, intricately designed with canals, there are about 550,000 bikes. But if you park it along the canals, which everyone does, chances are... it might be at the bed of the canal when you get back. But let's say you don't park it along the canals but at bicycle could get stolen - sometimes even if you lock it. They have skills.. these junkies. Don't gasp... those are just some things that happen on a regular basis!

I got mine from a flea market at Waterlooplein for only 40euros (sgd$80) but that's considered very cheap for a second hand (or God knows, a third or fourth hand) bike! Most importantly, it's legal and the lights are working - failing which, you may be issued a summon should the police see you on the streets. But trust me, it's so much easier and more convenient to get around the city on a bike. I now take half the time to get to where i wanna be - for instance, school. But of course, being typically unfit and unused to cycling everyday, i do feel pain in my knees. Still, the benefits outweigh the costs. :)

I'm now planning more trips around Europe. Papa, if you're reading this (which you should)... don't say i didn't tell you! ;)

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